Vietnam National Administration of Tourism spearheads recovery

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism spearheads recovery

The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism held a conference in Hanoi to review the work over the first half of 2022 and implement tasks for the next six months of the year. Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Doan Van Viet was a keynote speaker at the event.

Director General, Nguyen Trung Khanh, said that the conference was held to mark the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of the tourism industry, which was formed in July 1960. He sincerely thanked the generations of leaders, civil servants, officials and employees of Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, who have all made important contributions to the development of the tourism industry. The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism is the state management agency for tourism, overseeing an important economic sector of the country. It has implemented a series of activities related to proposing mechanisms, policies, proactive advice to leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It proposed to the Government and the Prime Minister to allow the reopening of tourism activities under the motto of safe, flexible adaptation and effective disease control. This is an important driving force for Vietnam’s tourism industry to recover quickly in recent years. In an effort to implement solutions to create the most favourable conditions for the reopening of tourism activities, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has worked closely with relevant ministries, localities and businesses to agree on procedures for medical control, immigration, visas, plans to welcome and serve tourists, ensure safety and efficiency.

With the efforts and determination of all sectors and levels, Vietnam is one of the few countries with the most open-door policy: no vaccination is required; no medical isolation required; no Covid-19 test required; no medical declaration is required prior to entry.

The complete reopening of tourism from 15 March 2022 is the result of a process initiated by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It proactively proposed for the government and the Prime Minister to agree to deploying the plan in a prudent and scientific manner. The reopening of tourism activities received the coordination and support of ministries and sectors, the positive response of localities and the participation of businesses in the whole industry.

Immediately after domestic and international tourism was fully reopened, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism chaired and accompanied localities and businesses to organize a series of cultural, tourism and sports events. Notably, the conference officially launched the reopening of tourism activities in Vietnam in Quang Ninh; Opening the National Tourism Year - Quang Nam 2022; VITM international tourism fair in Hanoi; Kon Tum Tourism Development Forum. In particular, on the occasion of the 31st SEA Games held in Vietnam, the tourism industry took advantage of the opportunity to strongly promote the image of safe, friendly and attractive Vietnam tourism to sports delegations and international tourists. economy, contributing to the success of the Congress.

The whole industry focuses on promoting communication under the message “Live Fully in Vietnam” for international visitors and “Safe travel - Full experience” for the domestic market. Digital transformation is taking place actively with many smart solutions to support tourism business and management. Many innovative and new products and services were created to meet the needs of tourists after the pandemic.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the General Department of Tourism organized working groups to localities in all three regions of the North, Central and South to grasp the situation of reopening tourism activities, listen to the recommendations of localities, businesses to continue researching solutions and supporting policies. With the drastic action of the central tourism management agency to guide and accompany localities, businesses, domestic and international tourism activities have had a strong recovery.

In the first 6 months of 2022, the total number of international tourists to Vietnam reached 413,000; domestic tourists reached 60.8 million (an increase of 1.9 times compared to the same period in 2021 and an increase of 1.3 times compared to the same period in 2019, the time before the pandemic). The target of welcoming domestic tourists in 2022 has been completed in the first 6 months of the year. Total revenue from tourists reached 265 trillion VND.

In addition, data from Google shows that Vietnam is continuously among the top destinations in the world in terms of growth in tourism information search, reaching an increase of 50% to 75%. In particular, according to the latest report of the World Economic Forum, the development capacity index of Vietnam’s tourism in 2021 ranked 52nd, up 8 places compared to 2019, among the 3 countries with the highest level of tourism. best improvement in the world. Vietnam was nominated in 61 categories at the World Travel Awards.

Also at the Conference, leaders of departments and units under the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism presented presentations on solutions to enhance tourist attraction, market development, promotion and communication, and digital transformation in the tourism industry, new trends of tourism, proposing solutions to remove difficulties for tourism in the new era…

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister Doan Van Viet said that tourism activities have prospered after reopening from March 15. The domestic tourism market recovered very quickly, achieving the set target in 2022 with over 60 million visitors in the first 6 months of the year; International tourism is gradually recovering at a rather fast rate. The Deputy Minister highly appreciated the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism for promoting the role of the national tourism management agency, orienting, leading, supporting, and serving as a fulcrum for localities and tourism businesses during this time.

In addition, Deputy Minister Doan Van Viet also pointed out the difficulties and limitations that the tourism industry is facing in terms of tourism infrastructure, especially aviation, which is showing signs of overload, the lack of tourism human resources affect the quality of services serving tourists.

Regarding the direction of tasks for the second 6 months of 2022, the Deputy Minister suggested that the National Administration of Tourism focus on key tasks, especially doing well the preparation for the National Conference on Tourism (expected to be in the future). in early 2023). The Deputy Minister emphasized that the upcoming National Conference on Tourism needs to set long-term orientations and long-term visions for the development of Vietnam’s tourism industry. The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism focuses on closely coordinating with the Tourism Development Support Fund to deploy and accelerate activities to promote and promote the image and brand of Vietnam’s tourism to the international market. To ensure completion of the task of formulating the tourism system planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045. Research and build new models of tourism development such as the model of regional development, tourism development. island tourism, community tourism…

Director General Nguyen Trung Khanh said VNAT and the whole industry will focus efforts to complete the tasks assigned by the Ministry’s leaders, striving to achieve the goals set for 2022.

Vietnam has enjoyed multiple wins at the prestigious World Travel Awards in 2021. These include:

Asia’s Leading Destination 2021

Asia’s Leading Sustainable Tourism Destination 2021

Asia’s Leading Tourist Board 2021

Asia’s Leading Cultural City Destination 2021 (Hoi An)

World’s Best Golf Destination 2021 (World Golf Awards)

Asia’s Best Golf Destination 2021 (World Golf Awards)

Asia’s Best River Cruise Destination 2021 (World Cruise Awards)

Vietnam is also nominated in a host of categories in 2022. These include:

Asia’s Leading Beach Destination 2022

Asia’s Leading Cultural Destination 2022

Asia’s Leading Destination 2022

Asia’s Leading Nature Destination 2022

Asia’s Leading Tourist Board 2022

Asia’s Leading Youth Travel Destination 2022

Asia’s Leading Sustainable Tourism Destination 2022

Asia’s Leading Festival & Event Destination 2022 (Da Nang City)

Asia’s Leading Cultural City Destination 2022 (Hoi An)

Asia’s Leading Cultural City Destination 2022 (Hue City)

Asia’s Best Cruise Destination 2022 (World Cruise Awards)

Asia’s Best River Cruise Destination 2022 (World Cruise Awards)

Asia’s Best Culinary Destination (World Culinary Awards)

Asia’s Best Golf Destination 2022 (World Golf Awards)

World’s Best Wellness Destination 2022 (World Spa Awards)

Asia’s Best Spa Destination 2022 (World Spa Awards)